Our thoughts on sustainability

Let's face it - buying new clothes just isn't very sustainable. But what do you do when you feel great joy at a beautiful, new dress or a pair of nice shoes  

Our stance on sustainability is: buy less, but better. Buy something of decent quality so it lasts longer. Buy something you really love instead of the latest trend that ends up at the bottom of the closet within a month. Buy something that can be used for many occasions and seasons.

At Dress the Bird, we primarily sell small brands with small collections, which we pre-order, so there is not a lot of waste. Furthermore, many of the brands produce the same styles year after year. It is therefore not clothing that "goes out of fashion after a short time".

Sustainable production of clothing is a jungle to find your way around, but we do our best to find brands where sustainable and ethically responsible production is given high priority.

Below you can see a list of where the various brands are produced, as well as a link to the brand's own description of what they do in terms of sustainability (if the description is available on their website)

Production in Europe

Production in Asia

Banned Apparel

Bright & Beautiful / Collectif

Charlie Stone Shoes

Chelsea Crew



Pretty Retro

Princess Highway

Sugarhill Brighton

The Seamstress of Bloomsbury

The Sticky Sis Club